Private Hire
Studio booked for private hire
Wednesday - 9:30am - 11:00am
In today’s modern lifestyle a regular practice of Iyengar yoga can alleviate general back pain, treat the symptoms of mental distress such as anxiety, insomnia and depression; and play a helpful role in regulating the symptoms of premenstrual tension and menopause.
With the aid of props such as belts, blankets and blocks Iyengar yoga is a slow powerful practice focusing on promoting physical alignment within the body to gradually build strength, improve flexibility and gain a sense of mental wellbeing and balance.
First class £13 drop in for new students
Studio booked for private hire
Details to follow
The evening will begin with some gentle breath work, alongside grounding, floor based yoga poses. Moving into some peaceful, deep stretches to release blockages and …
Gift yourself some rare time out for yourself with some gong bath meditations – a welcome regular chance to feel profoundly peaceful, calm and connected …